Twinkles Leeds Church Walk have recently had a visit from Ofsted and have been awarded Good.
Please see the report attachedĀ 


Here are some of the highlights…

The provider, manager and staff work well as a team and since their last inspection have developed a shared vision and high aspirations for the nursery. They undertake regular evaluation and have identified areas they wish to develop to further enhance the nursery. n Experienced and qualified staff make effective use of observations and assessments to help them to identify children’s next steps in learning.

Staff have good interactions with children, particularly in the pre-school room, where they make superb use of questioning, commentary and repetition. n Parents are encouraged to share their different cultures and experiences with children. For example, staff focus on a ‘country of the month’ and families have the opportunity to share their own cultural experiences, including food, music and dance.

Children are well supported as they begin to explore their similarities and differences.

Partnerships with local schools, agencies and other providers work well and make a strong contribution to meeting children’s individual needs.

Appropriate interventions are quickly identified and secured for children when needed. Parents are extremely complimentary about staff and the service they provide. Staff provide a well-resourced, welcoming environment.

Children have access to an impressive range of toys and experiences, inside and outside, that helps to support their learning and development. Children are curious to explore and are enthusiastic and motivated to learn. It is not yet outstanding